
Dr. Derek J. Stiles

a highly accomplished audiologist with a passion for pediatric diagnostics and

clinical innovation. He obtained his doctorate in Speech and Hearing Sciences in 2010 and has since

made significant contributions to the field. Dr. Stiles has dedicated his career to improving the lives of

children with hearing differences, working tirelessly at institutions like Rush University Medical Center and

Boston Children’s Hospital. At Boston Children’s, he led the development of groundbreaking tools such as

the AudioHub electronic reporting form and a comprehensive data repository for tracking patient Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.

outcomes. Dr. Stiles' commitment to excellence extends beyond clinical practice; he has authored

numerous audiology policies and protocols, ensuring the highest standards of care. In addition to his

clinical work, Dr. Stiles is deeply involved in education, community service, and scholarly research. His

extensive publication record, presentations at professional meetings, and contributions to clinical

guidelines attest to his dedication to advancing the field of audiology. Dr. Stiles' unwavering commitment

to improving outcomes for children with hearing differences has earned him recognition as a leader and

innovator in pediatric audiology.


17 OCT 2024 Thursday WS1 (Aud)

Tips and Techniques in Assessment, Fitting and Verification for Infants and young Children



18 OCT 2024 Friday WS1 (Aud-Vest)

Keynote: Contemporary Practice in Pediatric Audiology and How to Make it Count



18 OCT 2024 Friday WS1 (Aud-Vest)

Childhood Hearing Screening: how essential and are we doing enough?



18 OCT 2024 Friday WS1 (Aud-Vest)

Clinical Productivity and Metrics in Pediatric setting



18 OCT 2024 Sat MainHall

Universal newborn heairng screening: Updates, insites and challenges



18 OCT 2024 Sat MainHall

Decoding Genetic Hearing Loss: From Testing to Therapeutic Innovations
