
Dr. Ibrahim Saud Almufarrij

Assistant professor at King Saud University and an honorary research associate

at the University of Manchester, has made significant contributions to audiology through extensive

research and clinical practice. He served as a board member of the Saudi Society of Speech-Language

Pathology and Audiology for six years and teaches audiology courses at several universities.

Dr. Almufarrij has received prestigious awards, including consecutive Best Poster Presentation awards at

the British Academy of Audiology conference in 2021 and 2022, the University of Manchester’s

Outstanding Achievement Award in 2018, and the Best Researcher award at King Saud University in 2024.


18 OCT 2024 Friday WS1 (Aud-Vest)

Assessing Arabic Self-Reported Measures of Hearing, Tinnitus and Hypercusis in Pediatrics: challenges and oppurtinities
